Sunday, 13 April 2014

An Introduction Under Only Slight Duress

Hi Everyone -

I've been asked to set up this blog as an adjunct to my role as an education chair.

Education chair of what?  The Section of Primary Mental Health Care & Psychotherapy of the Ontario Medical Association.

Well, that isn't perhaps the best start, but I couldn't think of a better way, syntax-wise, to get such a longwinded title on the screen.

I promise I'll be saying a lot more later.

I have many interests including neuroscience, medicine, psychotherapy, trauma, East/West integration, yoga and our contemporary world. I plan on soon knitting some of those themes together for you.

For now, though, I've been asked to get the flyer for our summer teaching project up promptly, before our annual meeting at the end of the month.

The summer series is the creation of my innovative committee member and colleague, Dr. Harold Pupko.  I promise I will be sitting next to him at some of the sessions, and you will hear some pretty different viewpoints at times from the two of us.  But hopefully, you will also sense our common humanity and curiosity and open-ness to growth and transformation as we do our best to support your either nascent or very experienced practice in medicine & psychotherapy.

Keep checking out the flyer, because there's going to be lots of interesting stuff here, as well as all the latest information on what our section is offering.  Not all of it will take you to the frontiers, and we promise not to drag you (a little nudge now and then, though, for sure) further than you want to go.  But I do promise that we will at times, take you to the wild places, and treat you to some interesting views.

Hope to see you all at some of our events, as they unfold.


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